Our main aim as a heritage group, is to preserve what's left of the built environment in Wrexham and surrounding area.
However, we do appreciate that the needs of the population change over time, and that demands on available land are high, so sometimes it is necessary to change how a building is used, or that additional buildings are constructed alongside older properties. This usually involves detailed pre-planning consultations, and complex planning applications that might include Conservation Area or Listed Building Consent.
In situations where a building has advanced decay, or for example, severe subsidence, then demolition (as a worst case scenario) is sometimes the only practical solution. However, we would only support such action if all other avenues of restoration had been explored, and a full pre-demolition survey taken to document any features of note that the building may have had.
The Planning Portal on the Wrexham County Borough Council website isn't the easiest to use, so for any applications that we feel greatly affect our built environment, we will try and create a page for each case as it is filed. This page will contain basic information and links to documents that will be make finding a particular project easier and quicker for the general public.
As new planning applications are made, this list will be updated with any that may have an impact on existing buildings of note in the Wrexham area.